Saturday, March 21, 2015

What's this Samvatsara :)

When I posted Indian New Year Message which went like "नवसंवत्सर मंगलमय हो", There came a reply O! Whats That ? Navsamvtsara ? Don't assume it was from an out lander, so here is what is Smavatsar i.e. संवत्सर.....

So obviously (or if not, then too) it is a means of calculating time like a Year, as we say in English. Samvatsara is a Sanskrit term for "year". The one about which we are talking is Vikram Samvatsar (विक्रम संवत्सर), By Vikram we mean Vikramaditya a great legendry king of Ujjain. You might have heard of Vikram Aur Betal (विक्रम और बेताल) and Singhasan Battisi (सिंहासन बत्तीसी). If you don't know about these serials running on Indian National TV channel no issues, I expect it in the days of Friends/ The big bang Theory/ Grey's Anatomy.Further that king, Vikramaditya defeated Shakas (शक) infiltrators and to commemorate this victory, he started this new year, the Samvatsar. Isn't it a subject of Indian pride, yes indeed it is. So this was 56 BCE....what !....Yes you read correctly it was 56 BCE. So this Samvatsar year is always ahead of christian year number by 57 years. Add 57 to any christian year and get the Vikram samvat.

Right now it is Christian year 2015, so 2015+57 = 2072, that's Samvatsar count.

Names of the Year
Now want to tell you more on the name of the samvatsar. Yes we do have years named. You see चाचा and ताऊ both are not uncle here, we have name for everything.

So there is another samvatsar.....hhmm....don't be so slothful...keep going. This new samvatsar is Gaurav Samvatsar (गुरोरिदं गौरवम्- means what is related to Guru (Jupiter) is known as Gaurav), Which is related to Jupiter in the following way. Jupiter remains in a Rashi (Zodiac) for a year i.e. it completes a rotation around Sun in 12 Years, spending 1 year in a Rashi. So the time duration of Jupiter remaining in a Rashi is known as Gaurav samvatsar.

There are 60 named Gaurav Samvatsaras, which after 60 years repeats themselves. This is something like Sexagenary cycle of Chinse The names are :

Number Name (IAST) Number Name (IAST)
  1. Prabhava 31 Hemalambin
  2. Vibhava 32 Vilambin
  3. Śukla 33 Vikārin
  4. Pramodadūta 34 Śārvarin
  5. Prajāpati 35 Plava
  6. Āṅgīrasa 36 Śubhakṛt
  7. Śrīmukha 37 Śobhana
  8. Bhāva 38 Krodhin
  9. Yuva 39 Viśvāvasu
10 Dhātṛ 40 Parābhava
11 Īśvara 41 Plavaṅga
12 Bahudhānya 42 Kīlaka
13 Pramāthi 43 Saumya
14 Vikrama 44 Sādhāraṇa
15 Vṛṣa 45 Virodhakṛt
16 Chitrabhānu 46 Paridhāvin
17 Subhānu 47 Pramādin
18 Tāraṇa 48 Ānanda
19 Pārthiva 49 Rākṣasa
20 Vyaya 50 Nala/Anala
21 Sarvajit 51 Piṅgala
22 Sarvadhārin 52 Kālayukta
23 Virodhin 53 Siddhārthin
24 Vikṛti 54 Raudra
25 Khara 55 Durmati
26 Nandana 56 Dundubhi
27 Vijaya 57 Rudhirodgārin
28 Jaya 58 Raktākṣin
29 Manmatha 59 Krodhana/Manyu
30 Durmukha 60 Kṣaya

And now we have linked the Vikram samvatsar with a Gaurav Samvatsar name for it. Now comes the question how we name them. Here is how :

There is one shlok for calculate it in Bhartiya Kundli Vigyan a book written by Pt. Meethalal Himmatraam Ojha.
संवत्कालस्त्वङ्क्युतः कृत्वा शून्यरसैर्ह्रतः |
शेषः संवत्सरो ज्ञेयः प्रभवादिबुधैः क्रमात् ||
Not going through the Sanskrit part, it simply means that Add 9 (अङ्क) in Vikram Samvatsar year and divide it by 60 (शून्यरसै). Whatever is remained of this division add 1 to that and see from the table that number, that would be the name of that samvatsar.

So the formula becomes

Name of Samvatsar in the table above = ((VS+9) MOD 60)+1

*Where VS is Vikram Samvatsar number

Take current Vikram Samvatsar 2072 for example.

((2072+9) MOD 60) + 1 = 42

Now see the table above In front of number 42, the name Kīlaka (कीलक) is there. So the Vikram Samvatsar name is Kīlaka.

Now you got to know something ? We'll cover शून्यरसै: in some next post in detail, It is also very interesting.

PS : Don't give this Gyan to a South Indian Pandit :) They follow the Lunar values of samvatsar which is always 12 less then the Gaurav Samvatsar. So we have to subtract 13 from our formula and that would give us the Year name for South Indians.


Unknown said...

very admiring information.

Alankar said...

Thanks Shyam ji !